Before you come in for sugaring....
Let's make sure you're prepared!
Have clean skin
Do not wear lotion on the area you're intending to have sugared. Sugar will not stick to moisture, and we want it to stick to your hair!
Do not exfoliate the day of your service. The sugar will do all the exfoliating you'll need for a few days.
The hair needs to be at least an eighth of an inch long...that's about 7 to 10 days from shaving, depending on your hair.
Before you come in for a spray tan...
Have clean and exfoliated skin, (exfoliate the day before if you will be sugaring the day of your spray tan) no lotion, wear dark loose-fitting clothes.
After your sugaring service......
Now that you've been Sugared, let's keep your skin sweet with these simple tips!
Make sure to exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week (make sure you wait at least 3 days after your service before you start exfoliating.
Moisturize every day (you can start moisturizing as soon as you'd like), and try to use
a natural and gentle moisturizer. We offer an amazing skin care line!
Keep your skin clean and avoid excessive sweating (like working out) for the first 24 to 48 hours. Sweat creates bacteria that can sit on the skin and irritate your freshly
sugared bits.
Avoid direct sun for the first 24 hours
Avoid swimming/baths for the first 24 hours
After your spray tan...
Do not get your skin wet for 4 to 6 hours after your spray tan, including sweating. Once you are ready to rinse, quickly shower in warm water (not hot) and do not use soap. Apply lotion and wait another 12 hours before normal showering. Make sure to apply lotion everyday!
Just remember...exfoliated and moisturized skin, leads to happy Sugaring!